
Friday, September 7, 2012


Well, I have used up all 20 of my pages here on my blog. So I think I will double up on them, putting 2 or even 3 fairies on each page. My latest fairy, Tandee, is on a page with Rya.
Where is the "S" fairy? I accidentally skipped it! I already have a name beginning with "U" for the next one, so the "S" will have to wait. No big deal. I don't think the fairies will mind.

Tandee was a birthday gift for my daughter, and she was so happy! This fairy is the only one I have done using real cicada wings. I found a naturally deceased one while walking Jules, and scooped it up. After thanking the poor bug, I preserved its beautiful, delicate little wings by applying a coating of Fimo deco gel, baking them for 5 minutes. I did brush on a bit of matte acrylic varnish at the last. I glued the wings to a short length of wire which I secured to the holes in Tandee's back.  The result was very sweet.

The jar she is in has a solar lid which you can remove and put under light, then screw back on and watch it light up at night or in the dark. So fun!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The newest fairy, Rya, commissioned and sold to Edwall, Washington. See more photos on her own page, link to right.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Quinn, The Mermaid

Quinn, The Mermaid, found some tiny shells that are just her size! She is the newest of the alphabet series. Her eyes are special--sculpted around glass eyes I painted. A good tutorial from Nunufar Blanco. I think well done eyes make all the difference. I've tried so many different techniques, but I might stick with the glass. We'll see. Click on her own page to the right to see more photos.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Patia, the Leaf Fairy, newest OOAK hand sculpted art doll

Kathy urged me to sculpt another Leaf Fairy like Eve, saying she liked the little leg and hand adornments. I had another manzanita wood base to use and some brocade, so I thought that would be fun to do. Although their dress is similar, Patia is not like Eve. I don't sculpt any two dolls exactly alike--that would be dull, and of course they would lose the OOAK name privilage. I find it much more fun and challenging to make them all different anyway! You can see more photos of Patia by clicking on her own page to the right. Hm. I'm running out of empty pages and still have "Q through Z" names to go. I might have to double up the pages, but I'll worry about that tomorrow. Thanks for the idea, S.O.! Enjoy!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Newest fairy, Opal the Brave Fairy! To be so small, Opal isn't afraid of anything! She will stand up to any bully and use her magic to protect the small and weak. She can be very kind, but very formidable to those who are just plain mean. To see more photos of Opal, just click on her own page to the right.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I decided after studying the photos that the pinkish flowers on Nina's head just didn't go with her wings and little clothing, so I removed them and used the little yellow ones that are my favorites. Now I'm happy. I had to redo Nina's page here and the photos on Etsy, but they turned out fine. Good photos are so important and can make all the difference. Especially with these small sculpted dolls--they always look so much better "in person" than in photos anyway, I'm not sure why.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Newest sculpted Fairy doll: Nina, sitting in a basket. To see more photos, click on her own page to the right.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New OOAK art doll--Maegen~theMermaid

And she's finished! Just a few tweaks to do the the faux rock base.
To see more photos, click on Maegen's page link to the right.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coming up...

Just about finished with my first P.S. mermaid. (Properly sculpted)
Will post photos soon.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Luna~Touch the Moon

Luna reaches up to touch the moon one starlit night. And who's to say she can't?
Click on her page link to the right to see more photos!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finished OOAK Sleeping Fairy--Ivy

She is finished...

...but not for sale in my Etsy shop--Ivy, my sleeping fairy, I will donate to the Ronald McDonald House raffle coming up soon. I worked very hard to make her perfect so maybe she will bring them some money. She is the I Fairy, but I haven't named her yet. I'm thinking my next fairy will also have a nest or basket, because that was fun to use as a base. This nest needs to have its contents removed and replace with more natural looking leaves, which I'll do tomorrow. Then,
I'll give myself a day and begin sculpting once again! Any ideas?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sleeping Fairy

I'm so excited as I work on the Sleeping Fairy (no name yet) that I will donate to the Ronald McDonald House to use for a raffle. I'm working hard to make her just as beautiful as I can so that maybe she will bring them lots of money--I'll put a photo here when she's done. For her I am following the fantastic tutorial I bought from one of my very favorite doll sculpting artists, Rosa Grueso, who goes by the name Nenufar Blanco ( I think that means White Water Lily in Spanish?) I admire her work so much, and her tutorial is very detailed.
Another awesome artist who offers a truly wonderful tutorial is Elena Loukianova.

I hope you will visit their lovely sites, and if you do I'm sure you will ooooooh and aaaaahhhh over their creations like I do. I'm grateful for their inspiration.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grace, OOAK hand sculpted fairy art doll

Grace began not looking very graceful, but she's come a long way. Click on her name to the right to see more photos.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My first standing fairy, OOAK sculpted figurative art doll

I finished my "G" fairy and will post photos of her tomorrow after I can take some of her in good, natural light. There's supposed to be plenty of that tomorrow here!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fiona, The Good Luck Wish Fairy~OOAK fairy art doll

My latest little fairy is finished. Click on the link to the right that says Fiona to see photos of her.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

She finally got her jar...Wish Fairy is almost finished.

That said it all. She's almost finished, thanks to my daughter Mindy and her suggestion to go to Ikea for the perfect sized glass jar. What a huge store, and the prices aren't bad. I had searched everywhere to find the perfect size jar with smooth sides and wide mouth.
Tomorrow I'll tie up the loose ends and take some pictures of her. I'm anxious to start on the next one now that I'm satisfied with this one. I'm thinking I will try a standing fairy with the brass tube running down the wire armature into a base. I'm also thinking mermaid. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Eve, The Leaf Fairy~OOAK sculpted art doll

She's little, she's a leaf fairy, so she can blend into her surroundings. I wonder if she sheds her wings in the Fall? I guess not, it's February and she still has them.
Click on the Eve link at the right to see more photos. Enjoy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Fairy Finished!

Tonight I finished my next sculpted fairy art doll. Her costuming turned out to be more complicated than I had originally planned, but she is so cute and I'm satisfied with her. Tomorrow I will take photos outside if it doesn't rain and post them here. I'm anxious to start on another, but I will have to condition a bunch of clay first because I ran out of the ready-to-go stuff. The little fairies like this newest one is small and doesn't take a lot of clay, but they are difficult just the same, since the details are smaller too.
Wondering whether to make the next one larger? I probably will.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Newest OOAK Fairy Art Doll, Dusk Fairy, Daphne

Remember that strange looking little sculpted thing? She's finished and you can see the photos of her here--look to your right and click on "Dusk Fairy~Daphne" to get to her new page.
Yes, I've got inklings of another dancing around in my head, but first I always put the new photos here, then in my Etsy shop, link to right.
I had bought that nice little base thinking I would put a night fairy up there, but hey, a dusk fairy works, and Daphne looks so happy on her perch. She belongs in the trees.

It just wouldn't be right to doom her to a flat, dull base.
Anyone with an "E" name suggestion leave it here. Also if you have a suggestion for a fairy or other fantasy art doll (that does not involve excessive nudity of course--I keep a very clean studio here.) I didn't say organized, I said clean. :)

And now, as the Ghost Hunters say, "On to the next..."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Current Fairy Sculpt. D Name?

Working on another sculpture. Why do I seem to choose the hard poses? I'm thinking next I'll just try one that is not so difficult. But--the challenge is fun!
This fairy will have a name beginning with "D". I haven't selected one yet, but as you can see she certainly isn't ready, I have a lot of work to go on her. She will be the dreamy one, lost in her thoughts. I'm planning to use the new Tibetan hair I have, but will have to dye it since it's white and I want her hair to be dark. We'll see how that goes!
Meanwhile, on to legs, feet, arms, and hands, and improvements here and there.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fairy Boat~ my newly finished OOAK fairy sculpture, Cari

Okay, here she is.
We've had lots of company lately and enjoyed it thoroughly. Today I'm by myself and juggling laundry, etc, and decided it was time to take those pictures of Cari, (the C name) and I'm putting them here on my blog first. Etsy next, but that may not be until the middle of next week. If you're interested in purchasing Cari, have a comment, observation or have questions, just comment here. All questions, suggestions, and "hellos"
are welcome! I would LOVE to hear from other OOAK doll artists!

I'm eventually going to set up a decent gallery, but since I'm only starting out with this Cari has her own page here like Bo does. Just look at the right side of this page for the different pages to click on, and you'll see all the photos of her.

Thanks for visiting, hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Working on third PS OOAK Fairy and her entire scene.

My third PSF (properly sculpted fairy) is finished, only I'm working on her base. I don't know why I made it so elaborate but I kind of got carried away because it's so fun. I'm hoping to get it done by this weekend, and if I do I'll put a few photos here. If not, it'll be sometime next week.
Hint: I just finished a tree frog and have to wait until something is dry before I can pour the fake water.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

OOAK Art Doll Gallery

I've begun my OOAK art doll gallery with my Valentine fairy, Bo. She has her own page here

now, and is the intro to my upcoming line of one of a kind sculpted art dolls.

Valentine Fairy...

I'm totally pumped now. I have done the final?? touches to the base for my second PDS (properly done sculpture) and as soon as it all dries I'll get several photos of it and put it here. Since John gave me a super camera for Christmas all I have to do is figure background and experiment.
Funny how when you throw yourself into an art or craft you end up doing SO much more than you originally thought you would.
I'm thinking of doing a tutorial right here on my blog of some kind.
Not sure what yet.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sculpted OOAK fairy

My first ten inch (if standing) totally sculpted fairy art doll, with hand made base. Her name is Arianne, which means "Enchanted."
When trying to think what to name her, I thought I would start with an "A" name and the next one will have a "B" name, etc.

This little sculpture is the sum of several hours of hard work. I learned so much from this, which I will implement in the next one. You can read tutorials and learn from pictures, but it does take DOING it to learn many things. I love the challenge of taking an idea for a little creature that doesn't exist and doing your darndest to make is convincingly real.

I'm totally loving this, and I'm working on my next doll now. Pictures soon!