
Friday, January 27, 2012

Fairy Boat~ my newly finished OOAK fairy sculpture, Cari

Okay, here she is.
We've had lots of company lately and enjoyed it thoroughly. Today I'm by myself and juggling laundry, etc, and decided it was time to take those pictures of Cari, (the C name) and I'm putting them here on my blog first. Etsy next, but that may not be until the middle of next week. If you're interested in purchasing Cari, have a comment, observation or have questions, just comment here. All questions, suggestions, and "hellos"
are welcome! I would LOVE to hear from other OOAK doll artists!

I'm eventually going to set up a decent gallery, but since I'm only starting out with this Cari has her own page here like Bo does. Just look at the right side of this page for the different pages to click on, and you'll see all the photos of her.

Thanks for visiting, hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Working on third PS OOAK Fairy and her entire scene.

My third PSF (properly sculpted fairy) is finished, only I'm working on her base. I don't know why I made it so elaborate but I kind of got carried away because it's so fun. I'm hoping to get it done by this weekend, and if I do I'll put a few photos here. If not, it'll be sometime next week.
Hint: I just finished a tree frog and have to wait until something is dry before I can pour the fake water.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

OOAK Art Doll Gallery

I've begun my OOAK art doll gallery with my Valentine fairy, Bo. She has her own page here

now, and is the intro to my upcoming line of one of a kind sculpted art dolls.

Valentine Fairy...

I'm totally pumped now. I have done the final?? touches to the base for my second PDS (properly done sculpture) and as soon as it all dries I'll get several photos of it and put it here. Since John gave me a super camera for Christmas all I have to do is figure background and experiment.
Funny how when you throw yourself into an art or craft you end up doing SO much more than you originally thought you would.
I'm thinking of doing a tutorial right here on my blog of some kind.
Not sure what yet.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sculpted OOAK fairy

My first ten inch (if standing) totally sculpted fairy art doll, with hand made base. Her name is Arianne, which means "Enchanted."
When trying to think what to name her, I thought I would start with an "A" name and the next one will have a "B" name, etc.

This little sculpture is the sum of several hours of hard work. I learned so much from this, which I will implement in the next one. You can read tutorials and learn from pictures, but it does take DOING it to learn many things. I love the challenge of taking an idea for a little creature that doesn't exist and doing your darndest to make is convincingly real.

I'm totally loving this, and I'm working on my next doll now. Pictures soon!